Tuesday 22 July 2014

American Horror Story TV Series

Big on horror vibes - 18+.
Violent acts, bloody deaths, self harm, sex scenes - and that's all in the first series.

I haven't borrowed a laptop at three in the morning to binge watch a TV show in ages - but golly gosh is this one to watch. And the only real reason I didn't finish the series that morning was the laptop passed out.

Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy are the creators and producers of this FX show. Each series takes place in a different setting, with different characters played by the same major cast. The main players are Jessica Lange, Evan Peters (XMen - Days of Future Past), Taissa Farmiga (The Bling Ring), Jamie Brewer, Frances Conroy, Lily Rabe and Sarah Paulson to name a few.

The first series is set in the "Murder House", so named after the tragedies that occurred inside (of which the audience sees throughout the series through flashbacks).

With the series opening with Evan Peters' character introduced simultaneously as Rico-the-Zombie-fied, sensitive psych patient, and awful no-spoilers-inteaded pastimes, this series knows exactly how to draw you in. He can really pull off crazy-eyes. During the Rico the Zombie scene, the "Twisted Nerve" whistling song is playing (vibe setter) - throughout the series, horror soundtracks are played, adding to the series' suspenseful vibe.

Farmiga does a brilliant job of being badass/damaged teen child of a family who move into the "Murder House", with Lange as one of their neighbours. Lange has won the most awards for her performance in AHS out of the other cast members. The show as a whole has won twenty awards and been nominated ninety seven.

Another part I really love, which was vibed throughout series one, is Frances Conroy's character Moira- those who see the truth see Conroy, and weak men (infidelity wise), would see the über sexy Alexandra Breckendridge in the most ridiculous maid's getup. It was really interesting seeing the scenes in which the characters saw different Moiras.

Hayden M: "Grow a pair. She's not into you. You're not getting back in her, she'll never talk to you again
Tate L: "I'll wait... forever if I have to."


From the beginning, Murphy and Falchuk knew they wanted each series to be set in a different place. This really prove the actors worth, as they play quite different characters each series. The second series is based in an institution for the criminally insane in 1964, entitled "Asylum".

The main players are Peters, as Kit Walker, Zachary Quinto, as Dr Oliver Thredson, Paulson, as Lana Winters, Rabe, as Sister Mary, Lange, as Sister Jude, and Lizzie Brocheré, as Grace Bertrand.

This series, like the first, involves violent acts, bloody deaths, and general adult scenes. It also involves nuns and devils and aliens, which I'm not sure how many would respond to. Lange plays Sister Jude impeccably.

The third series takes place between the eighteen hundreds and modern day with Emma Roberts among others joining the cast, entitled "Coven". Farmiga yet again does a great job as one of the young witches of the coven. Conroy returns yet again as a ginger babe, Myrtle, doing anther fantastic job. This series is a slightly more lighthearted vibe than the others, and lets not forget the babe that is Lange. 

(Whilst watching the episodes, I can't help but sing the Name Game).

 The fourth series, which will air later this year, is entitled "Freak Show".

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