Tuesday 3 November 2015

Country Living - flashback to summer

Everyone living in London knows, through the thousand complaints, that there is nowhere else they'd rather live - so being dragged to the remote of remote countryside for vacation is a culture shock to say the least. Clearing the lungs of smog and hoi polloi is apparently healthy.

Things that we encountered once arriving:

The residence was so remote that it took us a few days to realise the phone lines were down - only after sweeping the yard and sitting down to take a well earned faff-about did we realise that the wifi didn't work due to lack of phone lines. The only way we got them online was because no one could contact the house to confirm our arrival.

The next day, the water to the entire village was cut, though due to the remoteness, we had no real way of knowing whether it was only our house.

When the water did finally come back, and the phone lines (and wifi) had come back, there was such a large storm that the electricity was cut. 

All in all, this relaxing country retreat has exhausted me, and I cannot wait to get back to the metropolis, and overcrowded commutes.

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