Friday 21 February 2014

The McOnie Company

The McOnie Company's Drunk is a fabulous and fun production which showcases extremely moving love stories as well as hilarious and rich comedy segments. As the company's current production, the show labels them as a group of extremely talented and diverse performers.

The bubbly love of Gin and Tonic lightly amuses the audience as well as the infectious hiccups of Champagne and those under her charm. These relationships beautifully contrast and compliment Rum and Scotch's tender and short-lived love. Each dancer portrays brilliantly their many roles which are distinctly different from each other, showing the ability and talent of each performer.

Not only do the dancers captivate the audience, but the onstage band play perfectly in time and ambiance with the dancers.

They have clearly identified themselves as a company going places and I shall definitely be watching their next production with anticipation, as will all the other members of the audience.

Plays until the 1st March 2014 @ The Bridewell Theatre, London. 

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