Friday 28 February 2014

Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined

Sensing Spaces
The exhibit invites you to climb the structures and look through the peep holes- forcing us to acknowledge not only made space but open space, framing aspects of the room and rethink about what the space we inhabit truly is.
What is truly important is not the container but what is contained
"Contact points" between the "two worlds" of architecture and nature and finding a new world between the two.
The architects' pieces show all how to think spatially about space, telling the visitors that they already feel space naturally but that not all buildings are "architecture" as they don't fully address space and light- the lack of light. Architecture is also about every single detail such as "the way you open a window" and the scent of the materials used. It's quite difficult to describe the exhibit without ruining the experience for persons who have yet to see it. What I can greet say is that the exhibit really is worth visiting, to help you understand the spaces around you and the spaces you may design in the future.

Monday 24 February 2014

In anticipation of the Royal Academy's exhibit Sensing Space

" Dear *****,

We hope you’re looking forward to your visit to Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined on *****.

If you’re a regular at the RA, you’ll notice that this exhibition is a pretty different venture for us. We want you to leave the gallery rulebook at the door and experience our Main Galleries as never before; feel free to sit, lie down, take photographs; think about how the spaces make you feel. "

The review will be ready before the week is out.

Friday 21 February 2014

The McOnie Company

The McOnie Company's Drunk is a fabulous and fun production which showcases extremely moving love stories as well as hilarious and rich comedy segments. As the company's current production, the show labels them as a group of extremely talented and diverse performers.

The bubbly love of Gin and Tonic lightly amuses the audience as well as the infectious hiccups of Champagne and those under her charm. These relationships beautifully contrast and compliment Rum and Scotch's tender and short-lived love. Each dancer portrays brilliantly their many roles which are distinctly different from each other, showing the ability and talent of each performer.

Not only do the dancers captivate the audience, but the onstage band play perfectly in time and ambiance with the dancers.

They have clearly identified themselves as a company going places and I shall definitely be watching their next production with anticipation, as will all the other members of the audience.

Plays until the 1st March 2014 @ The Bridewell Theatre, London.