Sunday 1 January 2017

The not-exactly-weekly playlists

I have started making odd compilation videos of footage I shot in the week, and accompanied it with my whispering commentary of the songs I've taken a particular interest in.


Check how I blates said music and footage of that week - I have no real control over workload or schedule and so have no real clue when I am able to sit down for a few minutes or hours and edit everything together.


As the first video was so fun to make, and have decided upon keeping hat style for a little longer, unil the world runs out of songs, or I lose steam on the production of these playlists.

This is the main reason as to why I'm whispering the commentary -- I edit them when the house has fallen still, and whisper into the microphone so as not to disturb anyone - That has now become my style, like a try-hard pirate radio dj.