Sunday 27 April 2014

Oculus (2013)

Ocuclus (2013) starring Karen Gillan and Brenton Thwaites is the perfect mix of flashbacks and soiling one's self.

Kaylie (Gillan) and Tim (Thwaites) Russell, sister and brother, try and prove an artifact to be in possession of supernatural power, which distorts persons perspective and being the cause of deaths of their pater and mater. The flashbacks used throughout the film are stable and intricate enough to enhance the fearful vibe without getting in the way of the storyline, which can easily happen if the balance between past and present isn't correct.

This horror film (UK release 13th June 2014) is directed by Mike Flanagan who also co-wrote it alongside Jeff Howard. This version of Oculus is based on the 2006 short film Oculus: Chapter 3 - The Man with the Plan, written by Flanagan and Jeff Seidman.

The performances of Karen Gillan and Brenton Thwaites are solid enough for the audience to be pulled through the baffling sequence of events as reality (and chronology) is twisted. Annalise Basso and Garrett Ryan must also be commended for their performances as the young counterparts of Gillan and Thwaites respectively.

To my un-American ears, as far as I can tell, Gillan and Thwaites' accents are solid throughout. Though, as I said, I am not familiar with American accents except those heard from other films. Gillan's Scottish tones are completely hidden, as are Thwaites' Australian tones - either that or the story is so captivating that the audience don't pick up on the slips in articulation.

Though this film causes one to question buying antique mirrors at auction, everything else about this film is really quite brilliant, as we watch the characters fall further and further into confusion the longer they stay in the presence of the mirror. (Kudos to cinematographer Michael Fimognari.)

Oculus 2013 (IMDB)

Vine of audience reaction to Oculus (2013) 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

When you really want sweeties

It's always fun trying to find the best sweet shops nearby - the sweeties you ate and loved as a child or even the sweeties you never ate a child due to teeth-related horror stories! Either way you feel transported wen you walk into the highly decorated establishments with shelves upon shelves with the likes of chocolate, boiled sweet and nougat. On one particular occasion I was transported to a world of childhood fantasy as a entered a shop I never would have as a child, Mrs Kibble's on Brewer's Street. Without truly knowing the average price of traditional sweets I cannot say whether or not the prices are reasonable, and seeing as I really enjoy eating sweets I don't know what price I would find extortionate. All this in mind, I felt that after buying the parcels of sugary joy I had not lost much weight in my pocket and i still consider the price acceptable.
There are some who enjoy eating sweets without giving much thought to anything past the enjoyment of consumption and there are others who enjoy both the taste of the sweets and puddings as well as keeping an eye on their daily intake. I've found that frozen yogurts are perfect for both persons. Establishments such as Chill Box and Snog offer frozen yogurts low in fat with a variety of toppings.
The fantastic thing about Chill Box is the international aspect of it. The first time I purchased a frozen treat was on an extremely hot summer's day in Greece. After this first visit I immediately decided going back again the next time I was able, and indeed I did go back a few more times. It was some months later that I came across the same fantastic establishment in Brussels on an equally hot day.
The variety of toppings available is perfect for both persons of intake-measuring to sugar-devouring as you have the choice of fruits, chocolates, biscuits and little sugary sprinkles. I have yet to go to the Chill Box in England, yet have had the absolute pleasure of ordering a Snog. Not only are the products delectable, but the helpfulness of the workers is also admirable. When hearing that I didn't know the ordering system, which is delightfully simple, the gentleman serving me was extremely helpful (and also quite charming). The great thing about frozen yoghurt is that you feel like you are treating your body by eating a sweet snack, but do not feel ill after possibly overdoing it with the sugary adornments as the yoghurt itself is light. The only thing to be sure of is that you do I fact like the product you are buying as, as with everything, not everyone has the same taste and the cost can seem quite pricey. The opening times of Snog are quite peculiar as well as it opens at around noon each day and closes around midnight, closing times vary depending on what day it is. All this considered, Snog is a great place to go to when you feel the need for a light, sweet snack in the late afternoon, post-shopping excursions or casual nights out.
The more generic sweet shops are slightly more cheeky to deal with. They act as great pick-and-mixes, allowing you to forget the ideal price you would like to pay as you siphon a great collection o sweets that, lets be serious here, weren't exactly made with the greatest care. - having just finished my excursions I was pulled in by the attractive force acting on me by the shops brightly coloured decor. I blocked out the One Direction songs playing through the shops speakers and concentrated on the sweets displayed. I eventually managed to leave the shop, but not after purchasing a few little chocolate hearts, a large marshmallow and other sweet treats. What I failed to take into account was the hardness of the gigantic marshmallow as the sweet containers are open to the elements, which tends to harden soft sweets. If you are one who enjoys top notch sweeties then stores such as the one I've just mentioned are not for you. If , however you care little for the extravagant goods, than these One-Direction-screaming shops are more likely to satisfy you.

(Their digs I went to.)

 Mrs Kibble's Olde Sweet Shoppe 

57a Brewer Street


4 St Christopher´s Place


Chill Box Frozen Yoghurt 
Rue du Marche aux
Herbes 34 (Grasmarkt),
Grand Place
1000 Brussels

El. Venizelou 5

Snog Frozen Yoghurt 
5 Garrick Street
Covent Garden